The Florence Pioneer Museum and Research Center is very proud to present a book signing at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 11 by Barbara Jameson, owner of the Lark Landing Bed & Breakfast in Florence. Barbara is bringing her delicious recipes and snippets of her topsy-turvy life in a laugh-out-loud cookbook. There will be readings from the book, and, a raffle for three different prizes, a free copy of the book, a complementary night at Lark Landing and a fresh home-made pineapple upside down cake.

Barbara weaves her life's ups and downs throughout the book full of recipes, a guide to table service, a comment on “Frying and Dieting.” (Have you heard of the “Snicker's Diet?”), a meal in a glass and something everyone has had in their kitchens, “disasters.”

Because of limited seating, the museum asks those interested to RSVP to reserve a seat at the table (so to speak). There will be room for 25 guests. This book signing is happening before Mother's Day, so those who are are looking for a last-minute gift for mom, grandma, friend, anybody who cooks and enjoys a funny story, this book is for them.

Barbara will be selling her book for $20.

The FPM is located at 100 E. Front St. in Florence. The Museum's phone number is (719) 784-1904 for reservations.