The Swimming Pool Feasibility Study has officially kicked off with the first public meeting, held Feb. 28 at the Cañon City Middle School Auditorium. A little more than 60 people attended to learn about potential options to replace the R.C. Icabone Swimming Pool. The study is designed to provide transparency for a pool project. It will tell the organizers what the community wants in a facility, how much it will cost to construct and operate, where it will be located, and how it will be funded. There has never been a feasibility study performed in the community for just an aquatics facility.

At the meeting, a website was launched to provide the community with information about the project. The website serves multiple purposes. It will have current information on the study steps, and on potential pool options. Over the next two months, it will host multiple surveys to gather community input. Citizens will have the opportunity to ask questions and answers will be provided. This website will provide factual information about the feasibility study. The web address is

The next public meeting with the consultants will be an online meeting only at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 7 on the City of Cañon City's Zoom account and streamed on Facebook through both the City and the Recreation District. The meeting includes a question-and-answer session after the presentation. Organizers encourage everyone to join them online. Here is the link for the Zoom meeting,