“Were you there?” We have all heard or sang this song. If one thinks about the message, one can become emotional, which is good. It can tend to open a door to another dimension, which opens one's mind and spirit to really let the Lord come and speak to your heart. Many are afraid and try to stop this feeling, but Jesus says “be not afraid for I am with you.”

I received this message on Feb. 12, 1994.

“Do not let me be the stranger that won your salvation. Many times, you want to see only the resurrected Savior. If you want to be fulfilled in your walk with me, consider all that I have done for you.

“Do not stand at a distance from me in my suffering as many stand far from me, and try to understand what I have done. They will never understand me or my love for them unless they come to me in my suffering.

“Approach the cross of your crucified Savior. Do not be afraid. Many stay back out of fear. Come to me. Touch my feet while I am on the cross. Look into my eyes. See my beaten and broken body. I will let no harm come to you. No one will touch you.

“As I spoke to the thief, I will assure you. Become part of my suffering, and you will share in my glory. You may be a stranger to the world. No one may listen to you, but I always hear you. The world listens to famous people. Many speak foolishly, with little or no knowledge of me.

Let your actions be tempered by me. Be aware of my presence. When temptations arise look up at me. Go tell others what you saw, and what you felt.”

Have a blessed Holy, and a glorious Easter Season.

Originally printed April 4, 2017. Although Easter has just passed, this is still relevant today.