Now showing again this weekend at our Trinidad Main Street Live Theater is a play called “Shootout at Sadie's Saloon.”

It's an old fashioned melodrama where you get to boo, hiss and throw popcorn at the villain, cheer the hero and heroine, support your local sheriff and howl with laughter at the two spinster-old biddies who want to shut the saloon down before the villain tries to swindle it from the rightful owners.

That's before the spinsters inadvertently sample some of the saloon's stock inventory and become drunker than skunks.

“Sadie's” is really a mirror image of what we're all seeing in today's world of chaos, confusion and conflicts leading to death and destruction.

We should all be seeing Israel as our true hero, radicalized Islamic terrorists as the dastardly villains and giving support to all law and justice enforcers.

We should also expose all the world's hypocrites and liars who say one thing but then do just the opposite just like Sadie's villain.

We know from reading God's Word and the book of Revelation that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is going to win the eternal war between good and evil and between God and His first creation, Lucifer (Isaiah Ch. 14, Ezekiel 28 and Revelation 19).

We know that Israel and its air superiority, defenses and foot soldiers are going to totally defeat all terrorists mounted against them.

That's because God always fights on their side and wins every war against insane idiots who never learn from their past efforts to destroy the Jews, God's Chosen People.

They haven't read Genesis Ch. 3 that says those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse God's Promised Land will be cursed!

Israel's retaliation air strikes against Iran's pitiful defense sent the Ayatollahs and Mullahs a clear psychological message.

You hit us with your best shots that missed their marks with little damage or loss of life due to our great defenses.

But our precision aircraft hit your targets almost every time last Friday and throughout this week.

Israel is simply faster on the draw than Iranian terrorists and proxies, has far more potent weapons with deadlier accuracy and has the Big Guy Law Enforcer behind their backs.

Allah and Mohammed are simply defenseless against this overwhelming firepower of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

All Demoncrats should remember that when the Lone Ranger and Tonto have put them all behind bars where they belong instead of trying to jail President Trump for crimes they are all guilty of.

I highly recommend reading Peter Schweizer's highly revealing expose book titled, “Blood Money” that delivers all the corrupt goods on how Red China (alias the Red Dragon of Revelation 12) has infiltrated its tentacles throughout America by buying off our greedy politicians.

You all should know who they are although Schweizer names a few surprises who put up good fronts behind their fake faces and facades.

He pretty much names and blames the entire Demoncratic party and a few RINOs for having their hands solidly entrenched in China's cookie jar, as well as other countries never ending $ supply of tainted blood transfusions.

Demoncrats and their mainstream media, crooked judges, DAs and Hollywood hypocrites think they have all their tracks covered.

But I believe the Big Guy (not bumbler Biden) is about ready to derail those crooked tracks and send them all to jail without allowing any visitors.

It's really hot and dark where they're going to be confined. Never again will they be allowed to pass GO and collect their $2OO billion dollars.

All their houses and hotels will be turned to ashes, dust and weeds.

We truth believers will then be able to buy all their properties for next to nothing.

Our barn harvest will then be plentiful.

Final score: God 12, Satan -0. That's because Satan was caught red-handed and was shooting blanks all along.