I admired the late Phyllis Schlafly for her honesty and insight. In her book, “No Higher Power,” she wrote “The policies of the Obama administration represent the greatest government directed assault on religious freedom in American history. Through stealth and sophistry, he is gradually transforming America into a secularist and socialist dystopia along modern Western European lines.” Sophistry refers to unsound or misleading, but clear and plausible arguments. Sophists, in ancient Greece, included teachers or “wise” men of rhetoric or philosophy, some notorious for clever specious arguments; specious meaning seeming to be correct without being so. I recall President Reagan saying of such people that they know so much that just isn't so.
I believe that Phyllis Schlafly's words were prophetic. She understood and was very concerned about the results of the contempt, mockery and mistreatment of people of faith including the Little Sisters of the Poor who were simply trying to bring comfort and assistance to those in need. As you may recall, they were sued by the Obama administration to force them to provide contraceptives to employees. Government curriculum in places of education has borne the poison fruit of socialist indoctrination. If you doubt it, watch the antics of many young students demanding even more government involvement in their lives. They obviously fail to understand that a government that supplies all their needs can take them away just as easily. I heard students say that they would rather have the dictator, Maduro of Venezuela for their president instead of President Trump! This kind of ignorance is a clue to what they have been taught, rather than real history. Living one day in that country would be a real wake-up call! Riots, starvation, killing and imprisonments are daily occurrences.
Students have been taught to be offended, ungrateful, angry, rebellious and entitled. They have been taught to hate America, but at the same time, demanding every good thing it offers them. The wheels have come off the cart. We're long overdue for a course correction in our educational system. We have the rich bribing so-called elite colleges to accept their unqualified children while deserving ones are turned away. Reports are that most college professors push left-wing agendas and conservatives or Christians are intimidated and must struggle to maintain good grades because of discrimination and silencing of their ideas and position on issues. They even refuse to host conservative speakers on the pretext of “safety” concerns. Who's making it unsafe?
Leftist politicians continue to demand more money to fund mandated government programs along with forced sex education going far beyond all limits of decency and morals. While our young people are still under powerful forces of indoctrination and mind control, our corrupt politicians are pushing for lowering the voting age to 16. What could possibly go wrong? These same politicians remain in office for 30 to 40 years or more, and then have the nerve to blame our President (Trump) for everything. He has had only two years, and has stood strong in the face of every trick they've played on him including a frame-up, leading to endless investigations and relentless opposition. They criticize true producers of wealth and crow about making them pay their “fair share” as they live in luxury expecting the weary taxpayer to fund their lifestyles. They run for office over and over promising to fix everything, but only succeed in fighting, increasing their salaries, obstructing justice, failing to protect us and ignoring the will of the people. Then they retire with a big salary, pension and the best healthcare available. It's no wonder Congress has such a low approval rating. I don't see where they care about our welfare, but only about keeping power and control.
I urge everyone to check the proposals and plans of each politician running for office. I have never been so disgusted with what I hear coming out of their mouths. The world they are attempting to create would be a nightmare.
“The wicked man's schemes are an abomination to the Lord, but the pure speak what is pleasing to him” (Proverbs 15:26).
Originally printed in March 2019.